Sunday, March 23, 2008

He has Risen..!

I've been experiencing my own personal 'Passion' of Christ this year. I've tried to spend extended time each day contemplating the events of the days of our Lord as they unfolded over 2000 years ago. I was there at the last supper. I was there in the Garden of Gethsemene. I was there as Jesus was beaten and tortured. I watched Him die on the cross. I huddled with the disciples in hiding thinking all was lost.

Now today I rejoice because I know that He has conquered death and is alive....! Yea...! Today is the most special day of the year. Better than Christmas, I say!

Today is a day of New Life. New Beginnings. It's a Brand New Day!

Thank You Lord for giving Your Life for my sins. It makes me sick to my stomach to know what You went through for my sake. It really makes me want to live my life differently today!

Oh Lord forgive me my transgrssions. I love You my precious Father. I most definitely offer today up to You. And I pray these things in Your Holy Name Jesus Christ, Amen...!

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