Friday, March 07, 2008

Lifting Up Tournament Participants

Today is a yucky day for tennis, but none the less a local high school is hosting a tournament at my facility today. I feel bad for everyone who has to hang out in the cold and wind all day...

Dear Heavenly Father,

I lift up everyone associated with the tournament to you today. Bless them, Father. Keep them safe. Keep them well. I pray that the temperatures warm up more than predicted today, and I pray for a speedy conclusion to this event.

And of course Dear Lord I just give you thanks and praise for today. At least it's not raining...!

Father God I give this day to You. Help me to be an ambassador of the Kingdom today. I pray sweet blessings on my family. I will miss them today as I will be engaged in the tournament from early morning until mid afternoon. I pray for a good day at school for Connor. I pray that Elijah and mommy have a good day at home today.

Lord I pray for my employment situation. I am waiting for You to open some doors and clear a path for me. I know You will bless me in Your perfect timing. Until then I pray for Divine patience.

Lord I love You. I trust in You. And I pray these things in the sweet name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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