Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ephesians 4:29-32

These are good verses for anyone dealing with feelings of anger or for those who struggle with the use of harsh words. I've been dealing with a bit of anger lately. And there are most definitely occasions when I struggle with being positive in certain situations.

I think these verses are especially appropriate for coaches and teachers. It is vitally important for a coach or teacher to be encouraging always and never dis-couraging...! The power of the tongue is mighty indeed. It has the power to tear down and build up.

Today my prayer is for God to help me to be encouraging in every situation...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, thank You for another beautiful day. Help me to make the most of this day. Let not one moment be wasted. Father God, You know my heart. Help me to be positive and encouraging at all times. A kind word well placed could very well change a life. A careless word could scar and damage.. Help me to be edifying at all times, constantly staying aware of my witness to those around me.

Thanks for so many great opportunities to serve You and impact others. I love You and pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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