Monday, May 05, 2008

John 14:1.... Encouragement

I've just started a study of the Gospel of John. My memory verse for today is John 14:1. -Do not let your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also, in me...! -Jesus

And who is Jesus...? Here's what HE said in HIS own words: John 14-6 Wow, what great encouragement and good news to start off the week with!

If I can keep those verses in mind and perspective I should have a pretty good day. If I tell others about those verses I'll help them to have a good day, and maybe even change a life!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You Lord for another day. Father help me make a significant impact in someone's life today. Bless my time management and my communication skills today, Lord. I want to spend every moment of my day glorifying You, Lord.

I love You Lord and pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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