Wednesday, May 07, 2008

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He sent His only Begotten Son...

When I was first saved I was in my early twenties. The 'love' that I knew was the love of my parents from the perspective of a son who was loved. My perspective of love changed after my son Elijah was born. Now I have the perspective of the love of a father because I am one, myself. It's impossible to imagine giving my son Elijah up to any kind of pain and suffering. And that makes the act of Our Heavenly Father God giving up Jesus all the more remarkable.

I have the knowledge that someone gave their life for me. How amazing. But what am I doing with that knowledge...? I mean really, what good is that knowledge or any knowledge if it's not utilized, put into action, or shared...?

Let's look at it this way: If I were trapped without hope and about to perish in a burning house but at the last minute I was rescued by a fireman, but that fireman ended up losing his own life in the process, how would I feel? -Very Gratefull.

What would I do...? I'd rejoice that I was given a second chance to live.

Would I ever forget that fireman? Or be embarrassed to tell the story? No Way...!

Well, that really did happen. Jesus did pull me out of a burning house. (my future.)

And I have to start living a life that is more set apart from the world and I need to start telling everyone the story about that brave fireman named Jesus.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You have shown me so much love. And I am a changed man because of it. But Lord I know that I am not doing enough with Your love, and the knowledge of Your love. Help me to be more bold in my proclamation of my faith. Don't let me hide my light under a bushel any longer.

Father God I am so grateful for the love of my family. I am so grateful for Your love, Lord. You sent Your only son Jesus to suffer and die for me. Thank You Lord. Thank You Jesus.

My Blessed Lord and Savior, I lay all my troubles, all my cares, burdens, and all my transgressions at the foot of Your cross. Your blood covers all, Lord. Your blood cleanses and purifies. Father God I am a new creation in You.

Lord I love You. I give this day to You Lord and ask blessings upon it. And I pray these things in Jesus' name... Amen.

1 comment:

Monica Chadwell said...

This is right on, Honey!! Jude 1:23 says that we do 'snatch from the fire' those with whom we share the love of Christ.