Thursday, June 19, 2008

Random Thoughts

My Mind has been racing lately. Especially at night. I've been having trouble sleeping. Why is that...? I think God is trying to get my attention... What is he trying to tell me...?

God is trying to tell me that He wants to be number One in my life....!

God is letting me know that my life is divided....!

God is telling me that I'm way, way too busy with things that don't make one bit of difference in this world....!

God wants me to change...!

Here's a scripture verse that comes to mind this morning:

Ephesians 2:10... -For we are His Workmanship, created in Jesus Christ for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we could walk in Him.

God has already prepared good works for me to do. So what are they...? Am I doing them...?

I'm sure that some of those good works are telling others about Christ. They are about boldly living my faith before men. -I'm not bold enough in real life. I'm much bolder behind the computer screen using the keyboard. But God wants me to take a stand for him in my every day conversation with others. God wants me to make a stand with the way I live my life, with the way I spend my money.

God hates procrastination. I'm the world's worst procrastinator. So what am I waiting for...?

... A better moment....?

...The right time...?

It's now. It's time to really, totally, recklessly abandon my self to God...! It's time to take some inventory and make some changes.

It's time to take some action...!

First of all... It's time to really super charge up my prayer life...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Oh Lord all I can do is say how terribly sorry I am for wasting so much precious time pursuing things of no consequence. I've wasted time just being 'busy'. Oh I recognize so many familiar traps the enemy uses to ensnare me time and time again.

But Praise you Lord, You have rescued me...! Father God, Holy Spirit, Jesus... I love You...! There's nothing I want more in this world than to draw close to You. Lord I want to do Your will.

Help me to be more bold about my faith. Lord let there be no doubt about who I serve. I don't serve man. I don't serve money. I serve the most holy, most excellent living God who has prepared good works for me to do before I was even born....!

Father God this morning I take authority over the things that bind me. I take authority over 'busyness'. I take authority over procrastination. I take authority over negative thoughts. I take authority over anger.

Lord Jesus in your precious holy name I bind these snares and entanglements and dismiss them. Lord I live for You. I live to bring glory to Your name. Lord help me to shed the old self and just live in the new life that you have called me too.

Father God, help me to tell others about You. Lord I thank You and walk out the door of my house this morning with the confidence that You will answer this prayer. I believe that You have already answered this prayer.

I am a new creation...! Thank You Lord. Thank You Jesus. And I pray these things in Your most precious holy name, AMEN...!

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