Friday, August 15, 2008

Genesis 24:63..Taking Time To Pray

Today's Lesson is about prayer. My inspiration for today's discussion began with the Charles Spurgeon Morning Devotional.

Genesis 24:63 records that Isaac went out to a field in the evening to pray. Spurgeon took note that Christ is 'Everywhere' and we can meet him right where we are: - in a field, in our house, or even on a crowded street. I totally agree with that. I have several special prayer places for myself including the family room and bedroom in my house, and the front seat of my car. I love the quiet moments when I am alone with my God.

Upon researching today's scripture verse I came across a comment made by Matthew Henry regarding Genesis 24:63:

He went out to take the advantage of a silent evening, and a solitary place, for meditation and prayer; those divine exercises by which we converse with God and our own hearts. Holy souls love retirement; it will do us good to be often alone, if rightly employed; and we are never less alone than when alone.

'We are never less alone than when alone..' -I think that's just beautiful. what a sweet moment in time when it's just God and I together, hanging out.

Being alone with God is an awesome experience but there's also something very special and inspiring to go outside and praise God among the trees, grass, and along with every living thing that God has made...

John Wesley had this to say regarding Genesis 24:63:

'...He went out to take the advantage of a silent evening, and a solitary field, for mediation and prayer. Our walks in the field are then truly pleasant, when in them we apply ourselves to meditation and prayer we there have a free and open prospect of the heavens above us, and the earth around us, and the hosts and riches of both, by the view of which we should he led to the contemplation of the Maker and Owner of all...'

I really identify with the way Wesley described: the hosts and riches of both the heavens and the earth around us leading to the contemplation of our maker....

In fact, I moved my family to West Columbia in the fall of 2005 because I wanted them to grow up in a country, rural area like I did. -I love walking alone in the morning or evening when I get a chance. The sounds of the morning insects and animals is sometimes deafening. I always consider that these created things are all giving glory to God in their own way. -I love to contemplate scripture and pray in that kind of venue, and you can't really find the beauty of nature like that in a built up, metropolitan area.

1 comment:

Monica Chadwell said...

This is a beautiful post, Sweetie. And, very true. Thank you.

Love -
