Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Isaiah 1:9 The Remnant

Have You heard of 'the Remnant' mentioned in Isaiah 1:9...?

Isaiah is not talking about a piece of carpet in this text. The remnant refers to 'True Believers' who are standing faithfully in the gap praying and witnessing to this lost, sinful world. The prophet implies that God would have already judged the wickedness of the people if it had not been for the presence of the 'faithful small few'. -And so it is in America, today, right now.
America is on the edge today. There is virtually no difference between America today than to Soddom and Gomorah before their fall except that there must still be a very small remnant of the spirit of our founding fathers left in this country.

None of us deserve God's mercy. We all deserve God's wrath, because we are all sinners. Had it not been for God's eternal election of some to salvation in Christ for the glory of his name, we would all have perished long ago under the wrath of God (vv. 2-9). Isaiah tells us that man's sin is so great and the justice of God is so inflexible that had it not been for God's election of a remnant we would all be completely destroyed. Thank God for election! This is one of the most blessed themes of Holy Scripture. -Don Fortner, Grace Baptist Church -Danville Kentucky

The quote above came from some sermon notes I found on the Internet when I did a search for the phrase 'a very small remnant'. Those notes are very much worth a read...!
Honestly, I don't feel like a remnant. I feel like one of the wicked ones who should be judged with fire. But Pastor Don reminds us that no one deserves God's mercy. Only through God's eternal election of salvation are we saved. And I wholeheartedly agree with Pastor Don's sentiment: 'Thank God for election...!'

Friends, I awakened today again with the burden to pray for America. I awakened with the hope that God would add to that very small remnant which stands in the gap between America and judgement. Our country's election is only days away now. I pray that Christians awake everywhere and get out and vote on Nov 2 for the life of the unborn child. I pray that they vote for the protection of traditional values like marriage between one man and woman. I pray that they vote for the continued protection and allegiance with Israel.

I pray that my son and stepson can grow up in the America that I grew up in. That's why Monica and I moved out to small country town near where I spent my growing up years. But the world is already much different than it was when I was growing up.

So what can I do...?

I can Pray about it...! And I can be an activist for change and revision. I WILL NOT go down without a fight...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, thank You for the sermon Pastor Don Fortner preached back in 1989. Thank You that his message was preserved and available for me to access today, nearly twenty years later. And Thank You for that very small remnant that is alive and well here in America and around the world. Lord THANK YOU most of all for eternal election of salvation.

You are not willing that a single one of Your precious elect would perish. Father God I pray for Your continued grace and mercy on myself, my family, my country and the world. Help me to impact those within my sphere of influence for the Kingdom.
I love You Lord. I give this day to You, my King. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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