Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Philippians 4:8

I believe that what this world needs is a little more of Philippians 4:8

Today, with God's help I will dwell on good things. I will not allow negative thoughts to take control of my mind. I will dwell on that which is good and pure and holy. I will not allow anger to over take me. I will not give in to the snares of the evil one who seeks to discredit my witness.

Here's a a link to some great commentary about Philippians 4:8. It's a little long, but well worth the read in my opinion.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Negative thoughts are a problem for me. I have tried but have not been able to overcome this problem by myself. Lord, as with everything, I need You. I need the power of the Holy Spirit to help me to take every thought captive. By Your Grace and by Your Grace alone am I able to break down this stronghold in my life.

Lord, I know I am nothing without You. I can accomplish nothing by myself. But in You I am strong and can do anything. Father God I claim Victory today in Your Name.

Lord You are a God of Order and Peace and right now my life is disorganized and anything but peaceful. Father God right now I am consumed with non productive busy-ness. I long for peace, but it seems far, far away.

I love You Lord. And I want to honor Yo with my thought life. Help me to be in prayer more. Help me to be in Your Word more. There's no way I can be negative if I'm engaged in those activities.

Lord I know You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. -And I am to live by faith, not by sight. Jesus I lay these burdens at Your feet with confidence that You will enable me to overcome them.

You are a Mighty and Awesome God. All good things come from You, Lord. I thank You for the many blessings You have so freely given. And as always I stand in the Gap for our country. Please continue to Bless America, Lord. Withhold Your judgement for just a little while longer. Allow Your people just a bit more time to win a few more souls and change a few more lives.

I give today to You, my King. In Jesus' precious holy name I pray, Amen

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