Saturday, November 08, 2008

Lifting Up MAFA

Today I recognize the Master's Academy of Fine Arts in Lake Jackson. MAFA is a private school for home schooled children that meets one day a week and focuses on the study of history through the lenses of music, drama, and art. It is a Christian based organization that most definitely glorifies the Lord. My wife teaches the art component for the school and my son Elijah attends the mini Master's Academy for 3 year olds.

I have seen and been involved in the program first hand and believe it is a fine institution. In order to increase awareness of MAFA and home schooling in general I am hosting a special Tennis Fun Day Drill and Benefit Doubles Tournament today at my home court, the Columbia Lakes Tennis Center.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for MAFA. I pray a special blessing on it's administrators, teachers, and students today. Please bless my benefit event today, Lord. I pray for safe travel to and from the event today. I pray that everyone has a great time today supporting such a worthy cause.

Father God Thank You for the awesome weather that we are waking up to today...! I feel like my event is already off to a good start even though it is still two hours away.

Lord I lift up President Bush today as he has the task of running his own administration and transitioning with President Elect Obama's new administration. As always, I pray that Christians who are involved in these situations rise up and let their lights shine.

I pray for our country now more than ever, Lord. I know You are in control, my King. I pray that You will use me where I can be most effective for spreading the cause of Christianity. Help me to be a great encourager. Help me to motivate and influence situations and those around me for goodness and righteousness.

Father God please bless my family this weekend. Sometimes weekends are the most difficult times for the Chadwells. I pray You cover us with Your love and grace, my Savior.

Speaking of Love, I love You, Lord. I give this day today to You. I honor You with my life, Jesus. And in Your precious name I pray, AMEN.

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