Friday, November 07, 2008

Prayer for the Weekend.....

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I praise You and and give You honor and glory today. I thank You for another day of life to effect change and influence those around me. I thank You for the participants registered in my fund raiser this weekend and pray blessings on that event and all my lessons today and tomorrow. And Lord I pray for a peaceful, restful Sunday for myself and family..!

Father God I lift up President Obama as he is picking his cabinet members and organizing his administration. I pray for some Christian influence within his cabinet picks.

My Lord and Savior, I surrender my will to You this morning. I pray the Holy Spirit will empower me to speak boldly for the Kingdom today and bring a message of Heaven to those I encounter. Bless my tongue to speak only life today. Bless my thoughts to be pure, righteous, and holy.

I lift up my sweet wife to You this morning as well. I pray for a peaceful day of rest and restoration after her past 48 hours of busy-ness. I lift up Connor that he will be salt and light to those around him at school and that he is able to face all his challenges today with Your Amazing Grace, Love and Mercy. Lord I lift up my sweet little boy Elijah. I just pray for another awesome day of wonder and discovery for his precious little life. -Thank You for my family, Lord. I love them, cherish them, and pledge to defend them with my life if need be. -The same sentiments go towards my country and for Your precious WORD, my King.

Father God I also lift up my extended family across the country. I pray blessing on Becky and her family in New York and on Monica's parents in California. Lord, they are Your Light shining in dark places. I pray their flames burn brightly and they are able to influence those around them for the sake of the Kingdom. Lift them up Lord. Keep them safe and healthy in Your loving embrace. Give them strength and courage to carry on. Bless them Lord.

I love You Jesus. And I pray these things in the power of Your Holy Name, AMEN.

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