Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lifting up the Family and Friends of Bob Gratzer

I learned today that one of my former tennis students passed away recently. Bob Gratzer was a very neat person. He started playing tennis late in life... He was in his mid sixties when he really started to take tennis seriously.

He had just recently retired and took up tennis to stay in shape and meet people. -That was back in 1984... I was just starting my professional coaching career at the time and working my way through college giving tennis lessons. Bob was one of my first students.

I always admired Bob. He had a great attitude. Even taking up the game in his mid sixty's he just didn't want to get some exercise, he really wanted to be competitive. He wanted to be the best he could be and he loved taking lessons from me because I hit the ball hard which helped him to compete better against younger players.

His obituary said that he enjoyed tennis and golf well into his eighties... Isn't that awesome...? He was ninety when he passed away earlier this week. I remember thinking as I was coaching him...

'I hope I'm moving this well and competing as hard as Bob when I'm in my mid sixties...'

My life was impacted greatly by this kind old gentleman. I have many fond memories of playing tennis with him.

Today I lift up Bob's family and friends who are surely feeling a deep sense of loss at this time...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord thank You for the life of Bob Gratzer. He touched many lives with his grace, class and keen sense of humor. My own life was greatly impacted by him. I remember that I wanted to be like him when I aged. I suppose I still do. I will never forget Bob.

Father God I lift up Bob's survivors, his family and friends. I pray for comfort and peace in their time of need.

Lord I thank you for tennis, and that it is such an awesome sport that it can be enjoyed by people up in their 80's and 90's... Father God I know this is silly but I hope there is tennis in heaven and that I will be able to enjoy playing tennis with Bob again one day.

I love You my King and I pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen

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