Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanks, Praise, and More Prayer

Wow... I have to start out today's post with a praise report... Yesterday was a nice day for my family. Specifically, there was very little or no friction between my step son and I... YEA....!

Praise the Lord...! God definitely heard my prayers yesterday morning...!

Now, here's something that has been on my heart lately... What does my Christianity, my walk with God, how I live my life... -What does that look like to the world...?

This question came up on a Christian Tennis Pro Friend's Blog at Hmmm... Am I more well known for what I stand against, or what I stand for...?

Which tact is going to influence the world more effectively...? And what does God have to say about all this...?

These are burning questions that are not going to answered in one sitting. These are the kinds of questions that take some time to mull over...

I believe that most people who already share the same mind set like to hear and see someone speak out against a particular issue. Those on the other side of the fence are more likely to dig in and defend their position when the perceive an attack. Are opportunities to persuade others lost with too negative or judgemental a tone...?

I believe the key to persuasion is all in the 'tone' of the deliverer's message.

There's an old cliche that says: You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar...

How did Jesus impact the world...? -With love and compassion. He was a peaceful revolutionary. -That all sounds fine and good. And I believe that.

BUT... If our country's founding fathers had taken that path, would America have even been birthed at all...?

I worry a bit that I come across too harsh at times. But how can a person candy coat an issue like abortion...? How can I not get too emotional when I believe an innocent life is being murdered...?

This is good stuff to pray about...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord there's a work going on in me that I can't quite figure out. It's keeping me up at night. All I want to do is draw closer to You and be in Your Word, my King. Oh thank You for this quiet time. Others would complain about not getting enough sleep but I love these moments of sweet communion with You.

Father God Thank You for a peaceful family day yesterday. You get all the praise and glory for that one...

My King, I am keenly aware of my role to influence those around me for the Kingdom. Lord I pray for discernment in my speech and specifically in the tone that I use to persuade others. Lord I do not want to come across as negative, hateful, or cynical. Lord I pray Holy Spirit power over my communication skills. Lord Your word says the tongue has the power of life and death. Lord I pray that my words would always speak life.

Father God there is so much to pray for. I stand in the gap this morning for America, it's leaders, for my church, my family, and the corporate body of Christ. Lord I lift up my friend Shamik who is living out what he believes in. Thank You for his witness. God Bless him.

Today is big, busy, long day. Bless me Lord. Help me accomplish much. Lord I am attempting great things for You today. I love You and pray these things in Jesus' name.


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