Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cancer Curve Ball

I recently reconnected with an old high school friend on face book, an Internet social network. I have thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with him and many others from my childhood.

I was especially delighted to hear how my friend had accepted Christ years ago after he successfully defeated a bout with cancer. We became closer on face book than we were during high school. I have really come to look forward to his funny comments on my status updates or his sage perspective on my notes and through personal email.

Well, about three weeks ago he emailed me asking for prayer because he had just found out from his doctor that his cancer had returned. He asked me to pray for him but to keep his news confidential for now. I have been leaving him phone messages of encouragement the past few weeks but yesterday he sent me a text message the doctors are estimating he has only about four to six months to live.

Please join me in lifting him and his family up in prayer during this difficult time.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today my thoughts and prayers focus squarely on my friend's health. I am very grateful that he knows a personal relationship with You. As you know, the Doctors are not giving him much hope of surviving his illness. But Lord I know that with You, anything is possible.
I have not given up on the situation.

Lord I pray for a miracle healing for my friend. I pray blessings on him, his family, and friends.

Father God as my friend rushes to get His life in order I think of what I would do if I knew I had only a few months left to live. I know I need to live my life a little different than I am currently living it. I definitely need to attend to some personal relationships, matters and other issues in my life.

My friend's condition reminds us all that each day of life is a precious gift from heaven. Lord I want to make each day count.

Help me to live a life that honors You every day. Help me to live a life of obedience to Your Word. Lord, I love You. I thank and praise You for my brave friend and what he is showing me with His courage and faith in You.

God bless him. And praise and glory be to You, my King. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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