Monday, January 05, 2009

George Mueller Story

I mentioned George Mueller in my previous post... His story is amazing. I had heard of him before, and was reminded about him when I read the following story in a Sunday bulletin at a church I was visiting recently.

This story is told by the captain of a ship that George Mueller was traveling on. During his life, Mueller received over one million dollars from the Lord, without advertising, every penny came from answered prayer.

We had George Mueller of Bristol on board, said the captain.

Mueller came to the Captain and said, "Captain, I have come to tell you that I must be in Quebec by Saturday afternoon"

"That is impossible, said the captain. "Then very well, if your ship can not take me then God will find some other way." said Mueller. " Let us go down to the chart room and pray."

Then the captain, thinking Mueller must be crazy, said: "Mr Mueller, do you know how thick the for is...?'

"No," replied Mueller, "My eye is not on the density of the fog but on the living God who controls every circumstance of my life..."

Mueller then knelt down and prayed a very simple prayer. When he had finished praying the captain also knelt down to pray but Mueller stopped him.

'As you do not believe God will answer my prayer, And I believe he will, there is no need whatever for you to pray about it.' said Mueller. 'Captain, I have known my Lord for fifty-seven years and have never once failed to get an audience with the King...' "Get up Captain, Open the door and you will see that the fog is gone..."

The captain opened the door and the fog was indeed gone. And Mueller did make his engagement in Quebec on time...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I thank You for prayer and that You are a prayer-hearing God. Today I pray blessings on my family. I lift up those in need of healing by You this morning. Lord I pray for opportunities to impact those around me today for You. Father God I pray You guard my health today .

Lord help me to draw closer to You. Help my faith Lord. I draw great encouragement when I hear stories of the lives of men of faith like George Mueller. I pray for faith like His, Lord.

I praise You for this awesome new year we are being blessed with. I offer today to You my King. I live today for Your Glory and Honor. I love You, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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