Friday, January 16, 2009

Isaiah 41:14 Need a Little Help...?

Today I awakened feeling a bit over burdened... I have so much to get accomplished in a very short time and I am starting out the day pretty exhausted physically.

Elijah kept me from going to bed early, I had a restless night anyway, and then had to get up early on top of that... I've been praying about it all morning.

This is God breaking me. I'm simply trying to accomplish too much at one time. I'm facing the futility of it all this morning, that's for sure. It's futile if I continue to try to accomplish this under my own power.

This morning's Spurgeon Devotional was EXACTLY what I needed. Honestly, I feel much better now.

God is my strength.

He's my source.

With God's help I can knock out this workload in no-time...! With God's help I am refreshed physically. God PROMISED to help His people, and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You are in control of all things. You've certainly got a handle on what's happening in my life. Thank You Father for helping me to overcome busy-ness. You are My Great and Awesome God...!

Lord I pray a special blessing over my precious family today. Lift them up and draw them close to You my King. Thank You for a good day yesterday for my wife with her art classes and for a nice day of tennis lessons with my students too.

Lord Jesus, I give today to You. I walk in Your power. I give You the Glory and Honor for every good thing in my life. I love You Lord. And pray these things in Jesus' precious name, Amen.

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