Monday, March 23, 2009

Why I do What I do...

What compels me to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to spend time with God...? What makes me awaken all through the night and pray intercessory prayers for special needs and burdens?

One Word: Love.

There are so many good scripture passages that I like, but if I had to pick one that was my all time favorite verse it would be: Matt 22:37-40

Love the Lord Your God with all Your heart, mind, soul, and strength. This is the greatest commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments. -Jesus

I fall so short of those commandments everyday. I have to apologize to God every night and every day it seems. I realize that we are all weak and fall short of God's Glory, and no one is worthy of salvation. least of all myself.

But God loved me anyway. Jesus died for me. Wow... That concept blows me away every day.

Yes I can get up at all hours of the night to pray to and spend time with the one who gave His life so that I could have life.

I love God. I want to live a life that honors Him, my family and friends, and my country.

Praise Be to God...! God is Good. God is Great... His mercy endures forever....!

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