Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2 Corinthians 10:5 Captive Thoughts

2 Corinthians 10:5 Ahh... This is the main area of my life that gives me trouble. Negative thoughts... Especially those thoughts that lead to anger...

But anger is not my only problem. Right now I'm also suffering from dis-illusionment. I can't stand what this world is coming to, and what it stands for. My wife and I have been hurt by the 'church' too numerous times to count, now.

I read an excellent article from Dr Charles Stanley's website this morning... It definitely helped me in my war to win battles of my thought life...

Friends, the days are dark. We are facing challenges and obstacles in our Christian walk like never before. The enemy is waging an all out war on the Saints of the Lord. Stand strong aagainst depression, anxety, anger, lust, and other carnal, negative thoughts. They are not of God, but Satan himself.

I'm praying for You, please pray for me too...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I lift up those under the yolk of bondage to negative thoughts. Father God many people don't even know that they are under spiritual attack, much less what to do about it. I know what to do, and yet I still struggle a bit.

The same POWER that conquered the grave lives in me. It's time to activate Holy Spirit Power and vanquish these strongholds present in my life.

In the name of JESUS I cast out these negative thoughts that are bringing me down. My God, My Savior, has a plan to prosper me. I claim victory over anger, worry, and depression....!

Jesus, I love You. I praise You in the highest this morning. I lift my hands and voice high to You, my loving Father. I trust in You. I Rest in You.

Lord I lift up my precious family to You this morning. I lift up my sis and her family. I lift up Monica's parents and my other brothers, Stan and John. Lord I lift up my families' finances. Bless them, Lord.

With Your help and enablement, Lord I will take every thought captive today and live fully for You...! For Your Glory, In Your Name, Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

Judy Ohlemacher said...

I know it is difficult to deal with disappointment regarding a church or pastor you have come to put faith in. Unfortunately in these times, such disappointments may become even more frequent. At such times remind yourself that we humans are imperfect and can be attacked in our most vulnerable areas by Satan. Secondly, work at building your own inner spiritual strength through your personal relationship with God. Practice this foremost, and the worldly disappointments will be less devastating to your spirituality.