Monday, August 17, 2009

Questions and Answers...

Here are some things going through my head this morning:

What is the last thing on my mind as I drift off to sleep at night...?

Answer: Jesus.

What is the first thing on my mind when I awaken in the middle of the night, or the morning..?

Answer: Jesus.

What is my purpose in Life...?

Answer: Obedience to Jesus, and to Worship HIM.

What is the greatest gift I can give my Children...?

Answer: Teach them to know and love Jesus.

Who am I going to lean on in times of trouble...?

Answer: Jesus.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord it's pretty clear to me that YOU ARE THE ANSWER...! I love You. I offer today up to You, for Your Glory. I pray blessings on my day and my family's day.

I thank You for another day of life to impact those around me for YOU. Father God I pray for my witness today. Let my life be a living testimony of YOU.

Today I have peace and a sense of calm that I haven't felt in a long time. I know that's all YOU, Lord. Come what may, I WILL trust You, Jesus.

Thank You For Your Lordship. Father God I pray these things in Jesus' Name, AMEN

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