Friday, September 11, 2009

Let's All Observe a Moment of Silence: NOT ME..!

Who started a moment of silence...? What event was it first associated with...?

Call me crazy, but today it just dawned on me that 'a moment of silence' is probably a politically correct phrase for those who don't want to pray.

Otherwise, why not just have 'a moment of prayer'...? I think most Christians equate a moment of silence with a moment of prayer because that's what we do. But that's not what a moment of silence means. -I'M CERTAIN OF IT...! Duh...

A moment of silence is respectful, for sure. But it is most definitely NOT the same as a moment of prayer.

I'm offended by that phrase, now. Is that crazy...?

Whenever I am observing a moment of silence... That moment will be steeped in prayer, I assure you...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I recognize that you have been trying to get America's attention for a long time. The events of September 11, 2001 was like you taking us by our shoulders and shaking us so hard that our teeth rattled.

You've got my full attention, my King. I repent of my sins. Lord, I'm following You. I call America to do the same. I lift up America this morning to You.

Father God, I especially lift up the families of the victims of the attacks. Another anniversary of this memory has got to be particularly painful to those who lost a loved one.

Thank You God for being Sovereign through all this. I love You Lord. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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