Monday, April 18, 2011

Too Busy to NOT Pray

I just started reading the book: 'Too Busy to NOT Pray' by Bill Hybels. I will probably be posting thoughts and comments on this topic more and more the next few days and weeks to come.

Let me start with this: I think most people are too busy, period. I would categorise myself as 'too busy' most of the time. I must confess that on occasion I am so busy that I forget to pray, myself. Dr Hybels acknowledges how busy the world has become and suggests that if we are really overly busy, we can't afford not to pray.

The title of this book really caught my eye when I first bought it years ago. I have been battling 'busyness' for years and years. I would not say that I have a handle on it yet but I know that I can't conquer busyness on my own. It's only though God's Grace and Mercy that I will be victorious. We MUST Pray. We can not be too busy to pray. We must pray first thing in the morning and the last thing as we drift off to sleep at night. We need to try to be in a constant state of prayer every minute in between those times, too.

Dear Heavenly Father, Help me to be a better steward of my time. Help me to be more mindful of my prayer and thought life. Help me to be more disciplined about time spent in the WORD. Father God I pray blessings on my family, friends, and all those within my sphere of influence today. Help me to be a witness and an Ambassador of Christ. Season my speech today to speak life and truth. Let my light that comes from YOU shine in dark places. I love You, Lord. I acknowledge that every good and perfect gift comes from You and You constantly shower me with the finest gifts and blessings. Praise You Lord. Praise Your Holy Name, Jesus. And it is in Your sweet, precious, holy name I pray, Amen.

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