Thursday, June 28, 2007

More Praises for Our God and King

Ahhh... It feels pretty good to have been married for four years now....! Honestly, looking back at my life ten years ago I would never have dreamed I'm living the life I'm living now.

There is no doubt that all that has happened to me is God's Blessing. Absolutely nothing I have or have accomplished has been gained or attained through my own power.

Today I just give credit to my God and King for everything good and perfect in my life.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for allowing me to celebrate my four year wedding anniversary today. Thank You for my incredible family.

Lord I love You. You are my everything. I give You all the Glory, my King. And I pledge to live my life totally for You. I am Your servant. You are my God. You are Glorious. You are Wonderful. I praise You in The Highest. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Praise Reports

The weather is looking much better after a very soggy Monday...! Yesterday I was able to get my tennis camp in and every thing went fairly well. Today looks good, too and I'm glad that the weather is holding becuase earlier in the week the forecast was for rain every day.

Another Praise Report I have is that my sweet wife and I will be celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary tomorrow...! -Yea...!

Yes, all is well in the Chadwell Family and I give God all the Praise and Glory...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for loving me the way You do.

Father God, Thank You so much for my sweet wife and our great marriage. I am very grateful for four years of marriage to such a wonderful woman. You have blessed us tremendously, Lord. You have honored us, my King. And Lord we want to honor You with the way we love each other and those around us.

Lord I just give this marriage to You and pray that it will always be a witness of a Godly union and a testimony of Your Love, Grace, and Mercy.

I love You Lord. And I give my life to You who gave Your life for me.

I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thankfulness and Praise

Friday is my day to count blessings. It seems that I've been doing that alot lately. God has been incredibly good to me. He hs delivered me and is continuing to deliver me through many trials.

God has blessed me far beyound my physical needs I'm embarressed and ashamed that after accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior over twenty years ago that I'm just now really starting to grow in Him.

Oh I've had lots of knowledge about God (and the bible) stored away for some tme. But it's only in the last few years that I can really feel and see my heart transformed.

So today I just Thank God for what he's done, is doing, and will continue to do in my life!

Dear Lord,

Thank You so much for my blessings. I love You. I give this day to You, Lord, and I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lifting Up My Sweetie and the Boo Boo...

My sweet little Elijah has not been sleeping well and as a consequence mommy and daddy have not been sleeping well either.

Dear Heavenly Father,

It is my God given responsibility to take care of those whom You have entrusted to me. This morning I lift up Monica and Elijah. I pray that they are both able to sleep in this morning and catch up on the rest that they missed last night. I pray for a good day for them today.

Lord, I also want to lift up Connor as he is over halfway through his Mission Trip today. He returns tomorrow. I pray that this has been a life changing experience for him. I pray for my relationship with him. I pray for his relationship with you. I just lift him up today, Father. I pray blessings on Connor.

Father God, I pray for a good day for myself as well. I'm trying hard to take care of myself as well. There has been too much 'busy-ness' in my life for longer than I can remember. That is one of the main ways that the enemy gets to me.

Help me to manage my schedule well. Help me to delegate tasks well. I want to honor You in every way Father, especially with my time.

Lord, You can do all things. Help me to trust you completely and just be obedient to You. There is nothing I want more than to live a life that is totally pleasing to You, my King.

I recognize that NOTHING in this world belongs to me. EVERYTHING I have is by Your Grace. Thank You for my abundant blessings, Lord.

I love you, Father. I give this day to You. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

About Our God: Praise Him...!

Our God is Real. Our God is Holy. Our God is Strong. Our God is Mighty. Our God is Good. Our God lifts us Up. Our God Provides. Our God Protects and Delivers. Our God Comforts. Our God Heals the Broken Hearted. Our God Created the Universe. Our God knows everything. Our God is everywhere.

There is nothing Our God can not do.

Our God is in Control.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I just took a few moments this morning to meditate on all your glorious attributes. You are truly a God of Wonder...!

All that I have and all that I am is because of You. How can I help but to worship You, My King...?

Lord today as always I lift up my family. Especially bless Connor as he is away on a mission trip. I pray that this trip is a life changing experience for him. I also lift up his fellow missionaries and chaperones and pray that You be glorified and Your will be done through them this week.

Father God, I thank You so much for my dear wife. I want to specifically lift her up today, Lord. She is the one who holds things together around here. I am so blessed to have her by my side looking after me and being the perfect mom to Elijah and Connor as well as the perfect help mate to me. I pray that our relationship glorifies You Lord and impacts everyone within our sphere of influence for the Kingdom.

Lord I thank you for Elijah. He is the perfect little baby. I promise to raise him up knowing and loving you, my King!

Lord Jesus, I place my hope, my trust, my everything in You. Lord I am holding nothing back from You. You have my Best. -And I just want to be Your faithful servant. Help me to be obedient. Help me to be faithful. Help me to be Your witness, my King.

Father God I love You. I praise You. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Praying for Connor...

I've been thinking about Connor a lot lately. For those of you who do not know, he's my step son. Connor tragically lost his father to a heart attack a few years ago. The past two years Connor has had to get through the Father's day holiday without his dad. He doesn't really like to talk about his feelings regarding his dad, but it's obvious that he misses him.

Connor is gone right now traveling on a mission trip down near the Texas-Mexico border. Last night the house was very different with Connor away. Monica, Elijah and I both miss Connor and look forward to his return on Friday.

My wife has been praying earnestly for Connor and this trip. Today I join her and echo the sentiment of lifting Connor up before the Lord.

I pray also for myself and my personal relationship with Connor. I want to be the best step dad that God has called me to be and just give that situation to the Lord, as well.

I praise God and thank Him for my wonderful family. I have been blessed with a Godly wife and two beautiful children. I have also recently been re-united with my younger brother which is nothing short of a miracle.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Post Father's Day Thoughts...

Well, my second Father's day has come and gone. I enjoyed a great sermon from church to start my day off. By the way, we have been attending Life 4 Square church in Angleton for the past three weeks now.

Pastor Cere started off his sermon with Proverbs 17:6... 'Your children's children are a crown to you in your old age. The Glory of these children are their Fathers.'

Pastor Cere also made the statement to all fathers that if we were the child of a 'fathering failure' that we did not automatically have to be a fathering failure also... Then he gave us three things to do to be successful father.

Love My Wife
  • Having a good marriage is the #1 influencer on children.
  • It gives them assurance and shows the correct model for success.

Know The Kids

  • Study that each child is different. (Don't be so quick to compare different children to each other or to your own childhood.)
  • Speak their love language. (If we really want to communicate with our kids we must figure out how to get through to them...)
  • Sense Your presence in them. (Kids are more observant than we think and we need to watch and be careful that we always model the behavior that we want from them...)
  • Stretch your skills. (Be ready to change a parenting strategy.)

Live The Life

  • Kids Need Instruction and Discipline.
  • They will duplicate modeling so we must teach through example.

Things we must teach our Kids about:

  • Consequences of Bad Relationships
  • Consequences of Bad Decisions
  • Elevated Thinking
  • Diligent Work Habits and Integrity
  • Love for God, church, and the unsaved
  • Trust based submission to God.

We teach these things by hanging both our successes and failures on the wall together for display.

Pastor Cere stressed to us that our children are gifts from God and that we are the Stewards....

He wrapped up his sermon by explaining that as members of the body of Christ we were also called to become 'corporate fathers' and minister to the unsaved in the world. He stated that we should frame our approach to ministering to the world in broader sense much the same way we minister to our own family.

It was a good sermon and I'm glad I went to church yesterday... Praise God...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I thank You for a nice Father's Day yesterday. Thank You for allowing me to be a Father in the first place. I recognize that Fatherhood is a blessing. It is an honor and a privilege. It is a responsibility and one that I do not take lightly.

I lift up my boys: Connor and Elijah. Thank You for them. Thank You for their blessings. I pray special blessings upon Connor as he leaves today to go on his first mission trip. I pray that this be an experience unlike any he's ever encountered before and that he is transformed and molded more in Your image through his interaction with others this week.

Lord I lift up my wife. Bless her. Thank You for her presence in my life. She is a huge blessing and inspiration to me.

Lord just thank You for being my Heavenly Father. You are an awesome God and I love You my King. I give all my burdens to You, Lord. I trust in You. I rest in You. You are my God.

Father God I pray these things in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Special Day Today - Thank You Lord...!

Wow... I just spent nearly an hour blogging my thoughts about Father's Day but they were wiped out in an instant by an error when I tried to publish.

Well, to quickly sum things up, Today is not only Father's Day, it is also Monica's Birthday...!

In my heart I believe that God has blessed me exceedingly and abundantly above what I truly deserve.

I have the most awesome family and wife and I could not ask God for anything more.

Good is Good. Thank You Lord. -And Happy Father's Day to you, too...!

More later...

Friday, June 08, 2007

This is Definitely a Day of Thanks And Praise...!

I'm reflecting on this past week's turn of events and can only marvel at the wonder of our God.

The Glory of My Lord and Savior has truly made itself manifest in my life and the life of my family this week. God is Good. God is Faithful. God is my Deliverer. God Listens. Oh how Great is Our God. To God definitely be the Glory and Honor and Power and Praise...!

I have been facing a difficult situation in my job recently and had come to the point where I had to just obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. (-That's one of the Life Principles outlined in Dr Charles Stanley's Study Bible...)

Well, without going in to great detail, my praise report this morning is that God has delivered me from that situation in a powerful way. God has been God. And He is a Great Big God...! Certainly bigger than any challenge I'll ever face.

But the blessings don't stop...

I'm delighted to also report another HUGE EVENT in my life:

I've recently been reconciled with my younger brother whom I have previously had a very tepid relationship with. The turn of events in that relationship is nothing short of a miracle and an answer to prayers that I have been sending up for over twenty years...!

Yea... Praise You Lord...! Thank You, my Heavenly Father, My Lord and Savior...!

To God Be the Glory. None of this is the doing of Man. -It's all God...!

I love You Lord, And I give you Praise. It is my one desire to glorify and honor You in all my ways. I know I fall short at times, but Lord You lift me up. You are my Rock. My Strong Tower. My Shelter in times of Need.

You are my Ever-Present Savior and I love You.

Father God I pray these things in Jesus' Precious Name, Amen.

Friday, June 01, 2007

A Friday Of Thanks

Well, it's sort of a tradition for me to not petition God on Fridays. I like to just take the day to count my boundless blessings and just marvel at how BIG our Lord and Savior truly is...

Connor has really been a blessing to us this week. He's pitched in and helped us many times, and with a good attitude, too! That in itself would be enough for a good week, But I have also been blessed this week with a very good tennis camp. The participation level was much higher than I had anticipated and everything has gone very well.

Of course, one of my greatest daily blessings is my relationship with my dear sweet wife whom I love and cherish. She has been a constant source of strength and encouragement to me through various trials. She is always in prayer for me. She is God's Perfect Help-Mate to me. ( I love You, Monica!)

And then there's Elijah. Words can not accurately describe how much I love that little baby. He is another source of constant joy and truly a blessing from the Lord.

Oh there's been a few bumps in the road this week, but over-all, my blessings far out weigh my trials.

God is Good.

Dear Heavenly Father,

My God You are an Awesome God. There is none other like You. Great is Your Faithfulness. Great is Your Splendor and Majesty, my King.

Thank You Father for Your over flowing love. Thank You for Blessing me far beyond what I deserve. Thank You for always meeting my needs. Thank You for my family. Thank You for my health. Lord Thank You for the promise of Eternal Life to those who place their trust in You.

I love You, Lord. And I give this day up for Your Glory. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name,
