Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Hope That Is Within Us...

The Apostle Paul instructed us to always be prepared to give an account for the hope that lies within us.

Without direct help from the Lord, we would be a people without hope—we’d find the entrance to heaven closed and would face an eternity of separation from God. But the Father had a plan to deal with our corrupt nature so we could live with Him forever. He sent His Son as our willing substitute: Jesus took our sins on Himself and received the punishment we deserved. What we were helpless to do, Christ accomplished for us. Through faith in Him, we have assurance that we will live in God’s presence forever. Knowing we are heavenbound gives hope and meaning to our lives. Let’s tell others about Jesus, the source of our hope.

Dr Charles Stanley, Early Light Devotional -January 2008

I really like how Dr Stanley finished his thought with an encouragement for we Believers to share with others about our relationship with Jesus. That's something I've been struggling with for some time.

It's easy to write about it. I can be very bold in the blogsphere. Right now I'm sitting in my comfortable chair in my quiet place safe and secure. But out in the world in a one on one situation with a non believer is an entirely different matter all together. Oh I have faced many an opportunity and not turned the conversation to one of spiritual matters because of fear.

Fear of what? I don't know, exactly. Fear of rejection, maybe. Fear of not knowing enough about the topic. I think it's a combination of the two. And then there's the fear of conflict. What if someone disagrees with me...? What if they get angry and want to argue? I'm definitely not good with that.

Aaagh... I'm such an excuse maker. As I write this I am reminded of Moses in the old testament. He had all kinds of excuses and reasons for why he didn't want to speak for God, didn't he...? But God supplied his needs and so He will supply my needs. I've got to get to get beyond my fear of sharing the Hope that is within me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Be Imitators of Christ: Sound Advice

Dr Charles Stanley's devotional this morning warned us against 'bad' relationships. He said that Christians need to be very careful with whom they intertwine their lives. He supported this statement by saying that because unbelievers lack an understanding of God's ways, their opinions and priorities can often lead us astray. He noted that this line of thinking applies especially to matters of marriage, choices of business partners and choices of organizations we join.

Stanley's devotional really hit home today as I inventory my experience with the consequences of bad 'life' choices on more than one occasion. I like what Ephesians 5:2 says regarding the matter...

Oh if only I could walk in love more often. I've finally come to the realization that there's no way I can do that on my own. And I really struggle with loving everyone.

-There's a lot of people out therein the world who are pretty unlovable, in my opinion... But when I run into those situations where I have trouble loving, that's where I really need to pray for the Holy Spirit to intervene. God is bringing 'unlovable' people into my life more and more in an effort to allow me to change my mind set.

One thing I know for sure. I can't change on my own...

Dear Heavenly Father,

It seems that every day now You are consistently showing me that I can't operate under my own power. Lord I want to be an imitator of You. Please Lord, help me to see things from Your perspective and enable me to walk in love like You.

Father God, You seem to be showing me the same life lesson over and over again. I apologize that I am so hard headed. But Lord one day I will be just as hard headed for the cause of the Kingdom.

It's a 'heart' thing, Lord. Help my heart.

How can I say that I love You when I don't love others?

I can't. ....I'm deceiving myself....!

Dear Jesus I've come to an impasse, and I don't want to continue in this condition. I'm pleading with You this morning to fill my heart with love and compassion. Going forward, I want my life to look different than it looks now. Lord, make it so. And let it be to Your Glory, Honor,and Praise.

I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Monday, January 28, 2008

1 Cor 13:4-8 (one of my favorite verses)

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 What is Love...?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails....

Last night I sat in on a men's bible study. We read almost the entire book of 1 Corinthians. Many points were made and many verses were discussed, but we didn't get to discussing chapter 13 very much so I wanted to expand on it here.

When I think about the kind of love expressed in the passage from 1 Corinthians 1, I see a very clear picture of my wife. She most definitely loves in the manner Paul describes in his Corinthian letter. And me...? Sadly, I'm not even close to being able to love that way.

What's it going to take to bring me around...? I'm not certain. All I can do is give it to God one day at a time every single day. I definitely have the desire to love in the manner of 1 Cor 13, and God certainly has the capability to transform me. I guess the key to success is going to be me getting out of the way and just letting God be God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I tell You I love You every day. But my love doesn't have all the attributes listed in 1 Corinthians 13. Father God help me to achieve the kind of love that never fails.

Thank You Father for providing me such a great role model in that regard. I lift up my dear sweet wife today as she has much to do and little time to do it in. She has a big day ahead of her as she starts teaching art classes for home schooled children at a local co-op in our community.

Father God I pray blessings on Monica. Bless her time today. Bless her interaction with the young people she'll be working with this afternoon. And Father I pray similar blessings on myself as well. I'll be interacting with a large number of young people today also, Lord.

Today would be a great day for me to really start loving those around me with the kind of love that never fails. Lord Jesus that is my prayer. I give this to You. I rest on you, my King.

Lord pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thought For the Day...

If we do not love another follower of Jesus, God’s love is not in us.Those who say, "I love God," and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. I John 4:20

-Steve Kimes, Mennonite Pastor

This is an issue I have been struggling with lately... And then I randomly found this Pastor's Blog on Is that an accident..? -I don't think so...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Spurgeon: Put Away Your Pity Party!

Charles Spurgeon lived and died over 100 years ago. But his devotion's are timeless and relevant in any time period. I love the language of his time. Even though it was originally written in English, the English of Spurgeon's time could almost be considered a foreign language today.

My title for my morning meditation today is most definitely a para-phrase...

The bible verse for Spurgeon's morning devotion today is Isaiah 63.7

To make it short and to the point, the scripture beckons us to remember everything that the Lord has done for us in our life time. Spurgeon asks pointed questions like:

...there must surely be some precious milestone along the road of life not quite grown over with moss, on which thou canst read a happy memorial of His mercy towards thee? What, didst thou never have a sickness like that which thou art suffering now, and did He not restore thee? Wert thou never poor before, and did He not supply thy wants? Wast thou never in straits before, and did He not deliver thee? Arise, go to the river of thine experience, and pull up a few bulrushes, and plait them into an ark, wherein thine infant-faith may float safely on the stream. Forget not what thy God has done for thee; turn over the book of thy remembrance, and consider the days of old.

-from Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, January 25

It's easy for me to get wrapped up in the here and now and become discouraged. But looking back on my life there are many, many instances of intervention and restoration from God. We all need to 'turn over the book of thine remembrance and consider the days of old...' from time to time.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for today, my King. And Lord thank You for all the workings in my life over the years. You have always been there for me, even before I knew You. Thank You Father for drawing me ever closer to You.

Thank You Lord for my sweet wife Monica, and her constant witness. Thank You for my family, Lord. Father God thank You for my troubles. With no troubles would I be drawing so closely to you this very moment? It's doubtful. Looking back into the days of my remembrance I did not do so well with prosperity, did I...? Thank you for the lessons I am learning today, my King.

Jesus, I submit to you. I am under your complete authority, Lord. I pray for my heart to be changed, Lord. Help me to love those who would hurt me. Help me to forgive past wrongs. Drive all forms of bitterness out of me, Lord. Let nothing remain but Your love, kindness, mercy, and compassion.

Lord I love You. And I pray these things in the power of Your Holy Name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Haggai...Speaking to me...

I read through Haggai last week and received a stern message from God. The inspiring text is Haggai 1:2-11. God reveals through Haggai to Judah that He is not happy that the people have spent all their time taking care of their own needs and not making it a priority to rebuild the temple. God says that everyone is too wrapped up in their own lives, building their own houses. Because of their disobedience God cursed them with a drought on their land and prosperity.

In verse 7 of chapter 1 God says: 'CONSIDER YOUR WAYS...' When I looked really closely at Haggai's message to Judah I could see myself as Judah. It's me who has been disobedient. I am the one who is full of pride and wrapped up in things not of God. And I am the one who is experiencing a drought in his own life. (spiritual and otherwise) Sadly, I am the one who is making my family endure that drought because of my own disobedience.

In the story of Haggai the people DID consider their ways. Verse 1:12 says the people heard the Lord and obeyed. And in verse 1:13 the Lord Said: 'I am with You'.

So God's people repented and all was well.

I am currently in the process of repenting. Oh how I long to hear the Lord say, I am with you, Sam. I think lots of things need to happen in my own life before I am going to hear those words. But I'm on it. Recognition is definitely the first step.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Oh Lord there is a drought going on around me because of how I have lived my life up to this point. I want to change, Lord. Father God I need help, though. I need you. Help me in the area of Faith. Help me in the area of Pride. Help me in the area of Forgiveness.

Oh Lord I am so unworthy of anything Good. But Lord I ask for help not on my own behalf, but for the sake of my family.

Lord, like Judah I have considered my ways. I repent, Lord. Please Father, let me hear those words: I am with You.

I love you, Lord and I am throwing myself upon Your tender mercy. Thank You Lord for being such a forgiving God. Lord I am a changed man this morning. I am a new creation in You. I know this walk is not easy, and I can not make the journey on my own. But Father God I will press on under Your power, in Your protection. And I will be victorious.

Thank You and Praise You, Lord. And in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Morning Prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I just give this day to You. I pray that today will not be like other Sundays. Father give me patience and grace today. Help me to be an over comer today. Let me be positive and encouraging like never before.

I professed a few days ago that I was going to undergo a radical change, but as I was thinking about it over the past few days I realized that I should have 'asked' for a radical change, not just announced it... By simply announcing it I am pretty much claiming that I am going to do it under my own power. Even though I had good and noble intentions when I made that statement, I couldn't really see the underlying pride associated with a statement like that at the time.

Today my heart is a little more in the place where it should be and I'm coming to You Lord with the humility of a man who knows that he can't accomplish things apart from You.

So Lord, it is with a humble countenance that I come kneeling before you pleading my case to be restored and lifted up. Help my faith, Lord. Help my life to more closely resemble yours. Father God by your Grace I can throw off and rid myself of the strongholds that entangle me. Lord I cry out to You this morning. Help me make today special.

Help me to REALLY be that new creature I wrote about a few days ago. I love You Lord. And I recognize so many abundant blessings in my life right now. Father God I am so grateful for what You have done and what you are continuing to do in my life. Lord I will let You lead me.

And today I lift up our Pastors and worship leader at church. Thank You for anointing these men to impact my lives and the lives of so many others. Father I lift up Clergy everywhere who preach the truth. Lord I lift up nursery workers and every other support ministry that doesn't always get recognised but is an integral part of church every Sunday.

Thank You again for today, Lord. You are an Awesome God... I love you deeply. And in Jesus' Precious Name I Pray,


Friday, January 18, 2008

Lifting Up Termite Watkins

The 'Bug Man' from Deer Park

Last Night I was blessed by the testimony of a man on fire for the Lord. He really has an incredible story. I may be commenting more on it in the next few days. Here is his website if you'd like to research a little background information on 'the Bug Man'.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thanks Lord for the inspiring story and testimony of Termite Watkins. I pray blessings on his efforts to advance the Kingdom. I lift up his health. I lift up his family and friends to you.

Father, He has done great works in Your Name. Someone is even making a movie about those works. I pray for the witnessing opportunities that will arise after this movie hits the box office. I pray for blessings upon everyone associated with this endeavor.

Thank You Father for always blessing me with exactly what I need exactly when I need it. Your timing is always perfect and I'm learning more and more to trust it every day.

I love you Lord and I give this day to You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today Will Be Different...

I think today a radical change is in order. I mean a serious life change. Today I'm really going to start living for Jesus like I never have before.

I don't care what other people think. Some may not even recognize me any more. That's OK. They can get to know me all over again.

Some won't believe the change in me... That's OK. They'll get used to it eventually.

Will I lose some friends or even some business because of it...? Maybe in the short term. But that doesn't worry me in the least. And as I write down these thoughts I am reminded of one of Dr Charles Stanley's Life Principles:

Trust and Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him...

That's always sounded good to me but I've never had the guts to really do it 100%. Well that's all changed now. Today will be different. I come in contact with many people every day in my career as a coach and administrator. I have been blessed with a unique opportunity to impact many lives through my words and actions...! I know that God wants me to use my influence to advance the Kingdom. Starting today I'm going to make a concerted effort to let others know how much I love God and what a relationship with Him has meant to me and how Jesus Christ has changed my life forever!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You have been doing a work in me for years. It's about time we started seeing some fruit, don't You think...? Father help me to be more bold for You starting today. I want to cut away all the distraction, all the unnecessary clutter in my life. I want to live a life that You can use to impact the Kingdom. I've bogged my life down in the pursuit of the wrong things and want to get on track starting right this second...!

Father God today I rededicate my life to You. My treasure is in You, Lord. Help me to boldly go forward living my life in Faith. Lord I run to You this morning with reckless abandon. There is no greater priority in my life than serving You. Help me to be more a 'doer' of the word than a 'thinker' of the word.

And Lord I realize that I can only accomplish this through You. You have made so many promises to provide for me and to empower me. Father today I really believe and I claim those promises. I think I'm really beginning to understand what it means to be a 'new creature' in Christ.

Lord I thank You so much for the surrendered lives of those who have encouraged and influenced me. Lord God You are indeed a great provider. You always give me what I need. I know You will always take care of my family and I. And You have been equipping me for harvest labor for sometime but I have yet to really dive in and get my hands dirty. Father I'm surrendering my will to You today. I'm surrendering my finances, my family, my career. They all belong to You, anyway. Take it all Lord. Take my life and just mold and shape me in Your image.

Father I pray a special blessing of healing upon my little boy Elijah who has been up most of the night with a fever. I lift up Monica who was up most of the night with him. Guard her health too, Lord.

Lord this is such a special day. I thank You for it, Lord. And I will make the most of it...! In a few hours I will begin interacting with young people and their parents for the better part of the day. I just pray that You will bless that time, Lord. Season my words to impact hearts in a mighty way today, Jesus.

Lord I pray these things in Your Precious Holy Name, Amen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Zephaniah: A Happy Ending Revealed for Believers in 3:17

OK, today I have a lot more to report. The name 'Zephaniah' means 'Hidden' or 'Yahweh Hides'. Several commentaries agreed that his name implies that as a child the prophet was most likely hidden to keep him safe from harm during the reign of the Evil King Manasseh and his atrocities.

God's message to Zephaniah revealed that a very harsh judgement was about to come upon Judah and rest of the world. Like Habakkuk, he preached repentance to a largely unrepentant, hostile audience.

Zephaniah has three chapters. In the first two chapters the prophet is adamant about God's judgement and the destruction of the world along with the removal of all the unjust. But in the latter part of chapter three he focuses on what happens after the judgement and he reveals that the meek, humble, and righteous will be spared in 3:17.

The Lord Your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. -Zephaniah 3:17

This is one of God's many promises. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is always by our side. He will Save us. Promises like these enable us to endure in our faith during hard times.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, help me to be meek, humble, and righteous. Father Your Kingdom is at hand and so many are completely unaware of history and prophecy unfolding right before them. Father You have called Your people to be faithful. You have called Your people to be lights in the darkness. We are called to go on a search and rescue mission to save the perishing all around us. The sad fact is that many do not want to be saved. But some do, and some can be persuaded. But that will only happen if Your people get out there and actively engage this society we live in with our gifts and talents that You have blessed us with for service.

Father God, I love You. You have given me everything. You ARE everything to me. Help me to act out Ephesians 6:7 (to do everything I do as if I'm doing it for You, not man.)

Lord I just want to be faithful to You. Lift me up Lord. You are the Master of my Life. I give it all to You my King. You are wonderful. You are Mighty and Glorious. You are God.

Bless me Father. Bless my family. Bless our finances and help us to be the perfect stewards of the wealth You have provided us with. Lord I want to honor You in every way. Help me to be a bold witness in those sticky situations that come up. I trust You, Lord. I Believe in You. I never have a reason to give up.... Thank You, Praise You, Jesus.

And I pray these things in Your precious, holy name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I realize now why I have never read the book of Zephaniah before... At first glance, it's not an 'easy' read. The theme of Zephaniah is warnings of judgement to a mostly unrepentant culture.

No verses 'jumped' out at me like they normally do, so I feel compelled to keep digging. I'm going to do a study in another translation and see if more mystery is revealed.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you Lord for Your Word. Help me to understand it better. I want to know You more and I will continue to pursue You with reckless abandon.

I love You Lord. And in Jesus' name I pray, Amen

Monday, January 14, 2008

Answers to Life's Questions: Habakkuk 3:17-19

OK, It is time to bring this discussion of Habakkuk to a close. I have been studying Habakkuk for several days now. Habakkuk the prophet was a man of strong faith and conviction to be greatly admired. If I were pressed to explain in one or two sentences what this old testament book was about I'd summarize it by saying it is a record of a conversation between a prophet and His God. It is about having faith in God in spite of circumstances...

Verses 3:17-19 provide the main theme: Trust in God during perilous times...

'... Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food, though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord is my strength, he make my feet like a deer's feet and He will make me walk the high hills...'

Habakkuk 3:17-19 New King James Version

Even when situations look really bad, (like during a famine) we should trust in God. We should give thanks to God. We must draw from His strength because it is both inexhaustible and immeasurable. God loves to uphold the weary...!

I feel off and on that I am experiencing a 'famine' in my life, lately. This study of Habakkuk has really helped my faith these past few days.

Tomorrow: Zephania, another minor old testament prophet...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I do rejoice in You today. You are so very much alive to me. I am continually blessed by the messages from our pastors at church. And I am continually blessed by Your Living Word. I prayed earlier this year that You would give me an insatiable appetite for Your Word and You have been abundantly faithful, my King. Habakkuk reminds me that dark times may one day arrive but I am to seek my joy from You, Lord. I am not to seek satisfaction from my surroundings and creature comforts.

You are the Source of true happiness. You are the source of abundant life. Today I press in to You, my King. I submit to You, Lord.

My God and My Savior, I am nothing without You. Life is nothing apart from You. It seems that once again my feelings can be summed up in my favorite chorus at church:

Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved...

Jesus, I love You. Today I lay down my life for You because You first did so for me. And while I don't know for certain if You will require my existence in this world much longer, as long as I am functioning in this realm I will be serving You.

I present my wife and family to You this morning. I lift them up and pray special blessings on my life partner, Monica today. Guard her health, Lord. Strengthen her with Your Holy Spirit. Give her courage to stand for You today in all her encounters. Help us both to raise our boys to know love and honor You.

Father God I need You today like never before. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Still Pondering Habakkuk

The first time I read Habakkuk I used the NIV (New International Version), then Icompared it to the American Standard Version. This morning I read the Message Translastion.

No matter which version or translation of the bible I use, it seems the prophet Habakkuk could just as easily be describing America (instead of Judah) when he recorded how wicked the society of his day was. It's nearly impossible to look around today and avoid the wickedness of the world around. There's pretty much no way to turn on the television or take a look at the news headlines without being bombarded with evil, flesh, greed, and atrocity. I can't imagine that Judah was worse than America...

Habakkuk mentioned how perverted the law was in his time. I submit that America is no different. The fact that we stand in outrage over the Michael Vick incident regarding dog fighting while it is still legal to have an abortion here in America is beyond me. The sad truth is that a dog has more rights in America than an unborn human being....! And that's just one example of the perversion of our justice system....!

God told Habakkuk that he was aware of what was going on with Judah and to watch and be amazed. God promised judgement. And so Judah was judged.

And so America will be judged, too.

It's up to we Believers of The Word to make a difference within our spheres of influence today. We must not wait. I don't think there's a whole lot of time left! And we will not be able to deliver a message if we look exactly like those whom we are trying to deliver the message to. The bible tells us to not be conformed to the ways of this world...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you Lord for another day of mercy. Thank You for another day of opportunity to rescue the souls of men and women whom You have called. I fully understand my role. I am called to be a difference - maker. I have been set apart. And I embrace Your will, my King.

Lord I lift up Cere, Sonny, and Elton today. Bless the Ministry efforts of Life Church this morning, Lord. And lift up Pastors and Churches every where that are preaching Messages of Truth.

Father God I lift up my precious family today. Sundays are normally particularly difficult for us as a family. I pray for a good day today. I pray for a day of peace and harmony. I pray for a happy, wholesome family day of rest.

Thank You Lord. Thank You Father. I love You, Jesus. And I pray these things in Your sweet, precious, holy name...


Friday, January 11, 2008


It's interesting how things work sometime. After writing about discouragement and coaching everyone to avoid discouragement, I myself became discouraged later in the day.

So what does that mean...? Am I not trusting God....? -Apparently not. I do feel really bad about that, too. I guess I feel discouraged about being discouraged if that makes sense....

In the parable of the seeds, the seed in one case fell upon ground having a rocky bottom, covered over with a thin layer of earth; when the seed began to take root, its downward growth was hindered by the hard stone and therefore it spent its strength in pushing its green shoot aloft as high as it could, but having no inward moisture derived from root nourishment, it withered away. Is this my case? Have I been making a fair show in the flesh without having a corresponding inner life? I'm afraid I've let God down (again).

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, here I am again at the alter seeking forgiveness. I am sorry I got angry yesterday. I know we are not supposed to let the sun go down and sleep on our anger, yet I did it anyway.
That was willful disobedience on my part.

I am very sorry for giving in to anger and more so for staying angry. That's not the real me.
Today I just give it to You, Lord. If possible, please just remove this burden from me. At the very least help me to deal with it better

I love You Lord and just pray for a new day today. A bright sunny day. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

More Habakkuk

Last night and early this morning I studied Habakkuk 1-2 very closely and this evening I will try to wrap up my study of Habakkuk by concluding Chapter three. My life's current chapter really identifies with many of the lessons I am learning from the Book of Habakkuk. Right now there is somewhat a sense of uncertainty in my life. I do feel darkness all around me, closing in at times. Circumstances aren't all turning out as I had hoped they would. Habakkuk sensed all those same scenarios in his life, too. Yet he was faithful.

Dr Charles Stanley explains the book of Habakkuk with one of his Life Lesson Principles...

Disappointment in life is inevitable, discouragement is optional.

We must not be discouraged. Discouragement is one of the Devil's most effective weapons. Do not give in to discouragement, people. Never, Never, Never...!

Live by Faith. Trust in God. Believe in HIM. Call upon the NAME of the Lord and Be saved...!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Habakkuk Study

Who was Habakkuk...? He was a prophet of Judah around approximately 600 B.C. He lived in a time when the people of Judah were particularly rebellious. He described them as violent plunderers. He described the time he lived as a time of strife and contention.

He prayed to God asking how long God would allow this to continue. And God answered Habakkuk in a vision that he was going to send the Babylonians to conquer his people. Then God told him to write down the vision and make it clear to everyone what will take place.

God said that the proud people would not listen but The Just would live by Faith. -Hab 2:4

After I first read that section of scripture I thought of our own Pastor (Cere) He has been giving us the same message at church every week. He has been calling our attention to the signs of the times and trying to equip us for the moment when things really get bad... Cere is a Modern -Day Habakkuk...!

Today the key verse is from Habakkuk 2:4.... 'the just shall live by faith...'

Habakkuk's story is that of a faithful, watchful believer who trusted God.. He was faithful, and waited on God even though he did not necessarily understand or agree with what was going on. Even though the sign of the times is clear, and even though it looks at times as though God has abandoned us or the situation, we must remain faithful and look to Him. We must keep our eyes fixed on HIM.

The story of Habakkuk is a great example of a Believer who trusted God and had great faith in God in spite of the perilous circumstances that surrounded him... Oh that my story would be like that...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

God You are an awesome God... You are God of the ages and You speak to us so clearly through scripture back 600 BC and 2007 AD, too. . Thank You Lord for Your holy word, the bible. Thank You for creating in me this insatiable desire to know You and draw closer to You with each breath I take. Thank You for this desire within me to spend every spare moment of my days in Your Word. You have definitely been faithful to that request...!

Lord You are so good to me. I do have faith. I do believe in You, my King. You will always be faithful to those who are called by You. It was written that we were to call upon the name of the Lord and be saved... Well I'm calling out to You now... JESUS...!

I love You, Lord. I need You, Father. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You. I will remain faithful. I will trust in You. But not on my own or by my own power. But in the overflowing power and energy that only You can provide, Lord.

Lord You have already blessed me so much. Look at where I live, my beautiful wife and kids, my career... Oh Lord I am not worthy of such grace, but thank you, Lord. And I am aware that of whom much is given then much is also expected in return... Oh Lord I want to be Your faithful servant, your faithful steward...

Father I will trust in You. I will live for You one day at a time. Thank You for Today, Lord. I will Live for You today, my King. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.


In my 20 year walk with God since accepting Him as my personal savior I have yet to read the entire bible. Oh I've read a good portion of it. Over half of it, for sure... But not all of it in it's entirety.

My goal this year is to completely devour the bible. Why not read every word and punctuation mark? It's the inspired word of God. Everything in it has Divine Meaning. I want to be able to name every book of the bible, give a short summary about each book and include memorized scripture quotes from each book by the end of my study year. I know that's a big endeavor, but God is worth it. He already gave His Life for me. The least I can do is read His Book...!

Last night I took a look at Habakkuk. My thoughts at the outset were that this is a short book which I should easily be able to complete in one evening...! Upon further consideration I believe it's going to take more than one evening, that's for sure. In fact, I may be studying Habakkuk for several days.

I did an Internet search on Habakkuk, but accidentally misspelled it in the search bar. What I found was very interesting. -It was an article about a ship made out of icebergs.

Here is a quote from the link...

'Habbakuk' was the idea of British scientist Geoffrey Pyke. His idea was that because ice was unsinkable, the berg ships would be insulated and impervious to bomb and torpedo attacks. They would be easy to repair as water only had to be poured into holes and frozen, thus making the ship whole. The ships would be cheap to make so that a vast number could be made. The ships could be up to 4000 feet long, 600 feet wide and 130 feet in depth. They could be used to carry aircraft to protect shipping in the mid-Atlantic, since the aircraft would be able to operate at shorter ranges and could be used for an invasion force base. He christened the idea (misspelling the name in the process) after the words from Habakkuk, the Old Testament prophet: “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told to you.” Hab. 1:5

Isn't that interesting? And according to files from the Royal Navy Museum, the design worked but was eventually scrapped. Read more about the Habbakuk Project...

That's a pretty neat example of the bible inspiring creativity in someone. But what's even more remarkable is Pike's accidental misspelling of the prophet's name, because I would not have found that information had I not also misspelled Habakkuk.

Now I most definitely want to know all about The book of Habakkuk. The iceberg aircraft carrier is such an interesting, unusual story that I think it will appeal to just about everyone. And since the origin of the story is based on bible scripture, what a great lead in to turn an ordinary conversation with someone to a conversation of spiritual matters....

More on Habakkuk (the prophet) tomorrow...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You reveal Yourself in such unexpected ways... I do regard You with marvel and amazement. And I do believe You will work a work in these days that is even more remarkable than a 4000 foot long ship made of ice... Thank You for being so real to me, Lord. Please continue to open my eyes and ears, Lord. I love You Jesus and want to be useful to You.

Thank You for blessing me so abundantly. Truly my cup runs over. Lord I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

True Belief True Faith

God works all things together for good to those who are called to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Every good and perfect gift comes from God.... James 1:17

The Lord is my Rock, My Fortress, and my Deliverer... 2 Samuel 2:22

These are three bible verses that are very familiar to me. They are familiar in that I remember them, but not their address. I had to look each of them up using the bible gateway keyword search finder to find out exactly which scriptures they were.

What, no big deal, you say? Well it IS a big deal to me. And I think it is to God, too. I don't want to be 'somewhat familiar' to God... I want to know Him completely...! And that means paying attention. That means knowing EXACT scripture references. Having a vague awareness is not honoring or worshiping God. It's not life changing. I WANT a life change. I NEED a life change.

Today Dr Charles Stanley discussed life change in his morning lesson. I need to work on my belief...

The definition of the word “believe” is what often confuses church members who lack genuine faith. They believe in God, Jesus, and heaven. But there’s a difference between giving intellectual assent to an idea and spiritually acknowledging Christ as God’s Son and one’s own personal Savior. In the Bible, every time someone truly believes in Jesus, he or she changes. It is impossible to remain the same after realizing one’s desperate need for Him.

-Dr Charles Stanley

I realize my desperate need for HIM. But hows's my belief? Still I am plagued with worry, doubt, fear... -You name it.

Lord Help my unbelief!

Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make straight your path.... Proverbs 3:5 -That's a good scripture to pull out in time of trouble. Lord strengthen my faith...!

Father God, I am seeking You. I want to walk closer with You. I want to know you, Lord. Erase all doubt from my heart and mind. Help my faith. Change me, Father.

Father God Your word says that those who call upon Your name will be saved. I call You Lord. I call You Father. I call You my King.

And I Believe in You, Jesus...! In Your precious holy name I pray, Amen...!

Monday, January 07, 2008

How Will I Be Remembered...?

The topic of 'how will a person be remembered when they die' came up this morning in the devotional I was doing with Connor. I asked Connor how he felt about this and he said that he didn't know.

I'm afraid the topic of death might still be difficult for him since his earthly father passed away only a few short years ago. I didn't press him on it. I told him that we could just think about this one another 24 hours and discuss it tomorrow. But the honest truth is that I hadn't fully worked out my answer to that question yet, either. I'm going to try to work out my thoughts in this morning's commentary.

The devotional this morning cited the death of Abel as it's example. It stated that Abel left a legacy of faithfulness and obedience. Then it asked the question If my own life was cut short suddenly, have I left a legacy of obedience? Then it followed with: how would I be remembered...?

I've been pondering those questions for some time now...

I know how I would like to be remembered. I would like to be remembered as a man who loved God and lived life for Him. Is that pride? Possibly to a certain degree. But I don't think it's a 'bad' kind of pride because the bible says that if we are to brag about anything then we are to brag that we know and understand HIM. Jeremiah 9:23-24.

Some might deem wanting to be remembered in any way as prideful. And that got me really thinking...

Of all the people that know me in the world right this very minute, there will be varying degrees of remembrance of my life. Those who barely knew me may only regard my life as the life of someone who really loved tennis. (And I do.) Those who know me well (like my wife and close friends) know that I am a repentant sinner truly seeking to be transformed into the image of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Then I thought about those people whom have had very little contact or interaction with me and that interaction was not positive.

Oh yes, sadly there are people in my life whom I have disappointed for one reason or another. I am truly regretful for those people whom I have wronged. I know there are those out there who would say if Sam Chadwell is what a 'real' Christian is then I don't want any part of Christianity. To think that I may have driven someone farther away from God is more than I can bear...! To those people all I can say now is that I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.

The fact is I am truly sorry for any transgressions from my past life before Christ. I can honestly say that my life now is the life of a changed person. And that is only by the miracle of the redemptive healing grace of Jesus Christ...!

What I learned from the devotional this morning is that life is already short and could be shorter than I think. I need to work on being as authentic as possible at all times so that I do leave a legacy that really matters and so I don't have to keep going back seeking forgiveness and conducting damage control.

The fact is how I will be regarded by others if I died this morning will be to the extent that I have touched their life. Some things from the past I can only give to God now. But moving forward I can do things differently and ensure that I leave a legacy that really matters...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, this world is passing away right before our very eyes. Only You know for sure how much time is left in my life and for the world. Lord help me to live fully for You today and every day. I pray that I impact lives today like I never have before.

Thank you Lord for my many abundant blessings.... What a joy to have a wonderful wife like Monica. What a blessing to have children... I could go on and on about what a privileged life I have.

Well, I'm giving back to You today my King. I love You Lord. I give this day to You, Jesus. And in Your precious, holy name I pray, AMEN.

Friday, January 04, 2008

First Friday Of Thanks This Year

Today is the First Friday of the New Year...! Yea. I normally reserve Fridays for Thanks and Praise and Worship. I try to keep petitioning down on Fridays. There's plenty of time the other six days of the week to ask God for help. While I know that God can't get 'tired out', I just want to have a different attitude on Fridays. I am honoring the phrase: 'Thank God it's Friday...'

Dear Lord God in Heaven,

You are the incredible Author of Life. You are the creator of everything we can see, touch, taste, and hear. You created us in Your own image. You have feelings just like we do. Well Father God, just out of the blue yesterday I was riding in the car with my two and a half year old son and he said, 'I love You, Daddy'. -And my heart just melted...

I just want to say that to You this morning. I love You, Lord. I am so grateful for what You have done for me and for what You have done for mankind throughout the ages. I acknowledge that You sent Your son to suffer and die on the cross for my sins. What an amazing act of love and compassion! The bible says that there is no greater love than to lay down ones life for another. Wow...! That just gives me shivers...! I would lay down my life for others but it would be extremely difficult for me to lay down Elijah's Life. I don't think I could do it.

But You willingly gave Your son, Jesus. Thank You Lord. For loving me and loving mankind so much to do such a thing. And I do love You right back, my King. I live for You, Lord. I give this day to You, and pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen...!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Storms of Life

Last night we received a wonderful message at church. The topic was 'Hearing from God and how to be led by the Spirit'. The teacher brought up something that I had never considered before. She asked a question: Why do we need to be led by the Spirit...? -And the answer was because of the 'storms' of life.

She cited three biblical examples of ways believers encounter storms and the various ways we are able to escape those storms... I was taken by surprise by this because I had not considered multiple ways or reasons that one may encounter storms.

I was somewhat familiar with two of the three references given, but had never interpreted them the way our teacher did last night, nor would I have thought to do a comparison of the three.

The first example was from Jonah. Everyone is probably familiar with the story of Jonah... God asked him to preach in the city of Nineva but at first Jonah resisted and took a cruise in the exact opposite direction of Nineva. He was willfully disobedient. And I believe this is the number one reason that brings on most Storms of Life. (At least that's been the case in my own life...) Anyway, God caused a great storm on the sea and it was feared that the boat would be lost. Jonah was thrown overboard by the crew and was swallowed up by a fish. Meanwhile, he had repented while spending three days in the belly of the fish, and the fish spit him up off the coast of guess where...? Nineva.

So Jonah got in trouble because of his own disobedience but was delivered because he repented. At the end of the chapter 3 the city of Nineva was also delivered because it repented and fasted and prayed for forgiveness.

The second example was taken from Mark 4:35-41, the story of Jesus Calming the Sea. In that story Jesus asked the disciples to go with Him in a boat to the other side of a body of water. They agreed and went with Him. About halfway into the crossing a great storm came up and threatened to overturn the boat. The disciples were terrified but Jesus commanded the sea to 'Be Still' and it was. The disciples were in perfect obedience when the storm attacked.

In spite of doing what they were supposed to do they encountred a storm. They were ultimately delivered by a command of Faith. This shows that a person can get into a storm even when they are obediently following Christ. The method of escape in this case was a command of faith by Jesus.

The third example cited was taken from Acts 27. I was not as familiar with this story as the other two stories but Paul l got into a storm because of the disobedience of others but everyone ends up being delivered though faith and patience.

It seems that in my own life most of the storms that I have faced have stemmed from my own disobedience. That's why I did not recognize the other methods of storm origin as quickly.

The point of all this is that no matter who you are, everyone faces storms, both the disobedient and the obedient. And God always provides an escape. 1 Cor 10:13 The key to success in discerning the method of escape God provides is being able to hear and correctly interpret the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Colossians 4:2.... Continue In Prayer

This verse was the topic of Charles Spurgeon's devotional this morning. He encouraged the reader that the 'motto for our entire year' to be Colossians 4:2. -I sure want that to be the case for me. But wait, there is a second half to that verse. We should continue in prayer, but how...? -Keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. We must be alert in our prayers to the Lord. The word 'alert' jumped out at me. Many times I am not 'alert' in my prayer time, especially during my evening prayer before bed. I'll find myself dosing and drifting off all the time. I wonder how that makes God feel when someone falls asleep right in the middle of a conversation with HIM...? Is HE being glorified when that happens...? The verse says we should pray with a 'Thankful Attitude'. We should be thankful because He is faithful to answer our prayers. And we need to pray with a thankful, expectant attitude. That's been my big problem. I've prayed with a 'hopeful' attitude. But it's an 'expectant' faith that gets results...!

Colossians 4:2 is a great verse for me to start the new year off with... I MUST continue in prayer first and foremost. Prayer is how I speak to God. But how does He speak back to me...? Well, through circumstances, and through the word of others, but primarily through HIS Sacred WORD, the BIBLE.

This week I am conducting an independent study of the book of James. The Author of James is believed to be James, the brother of Jesus. It's interesting to note that James did not believe Jesus was the Messiah until after Jesus' Resurrection... (I just thought I'd throw that in...)

I love the book of James. Here are just two verses from James that have significant meaning to me, and sort of tie in to what I have just written about.

...Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the WORD implanted which is able to save your souls. But prove yourselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves....

-James 1:21-22

Wow...! When I read that I thought: THAT's ME...! I am trying to put aside all the remains of negative attributes and take in the WORD to renew my mind and transform my life... AND I have most definitely been only a 'hearer' of the word instead of a 'doer' for most of my life...!

Praise the Lord that is all changing in 2008!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, You are Amazing...! You are Wonderful and Mighty. I love you, Lord. You have blessed me time and time again. You are working huge miracles in my life right this very moment! I am so grateful Lord. And I am most ready to be a doer today instead of merely a hearer...!

Thank You for the opportunities I may encounter later today. I pray that I will be a blessing to others in the course of my interaction with them. I lift up Monica, Connor, and Elijah today, my King. I give this day to You, Father.

And Lord I pray these things in Jesus' name, -Amen.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Drawing Near to God...

I'm starting off the new year claiming the promise of James 4:8.

Draw near to God and HE will draw near to You....

I've been somewhat familiar with that verse for years, but as I was reading it this morning I discovered that the familiar part is only half of the verse. The second (and lessor known half) says:

Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded...! Well, that's me. And I definitely need to do those things.

I prayed last night for God to just give me a hunger and a thirst for His Word like never before. I believe He is already doing that. The Book of James just came alive before my eyes this morning. James 4:8 will be one of my key bible verses for the year...!

Father God, I do start off 2008 with clean hands and a heart of single purpose. And that purpose is to magnify You, my King....! Thank You Lord for another Year. Thank You Father for a little more time to effect my surroundings for The Kingdom...

Lord I claim victory over all the strongholds that entangle me:
  • Busy-ness
  • Anger
  • Unforgiveness
  • Gluttony
  • Procrastination

Father God I don't HOPE for victory. IN YOU I AM ALREADY VICTORIOUS...!

I love You Lord. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for every blessing in my life. You are Good, my King. You are Wonderful. You are Glorious...!

I live my life in 2008 as a holy sacrifice for Your Glory. In Jesus' Name, AMEN.